Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fataawaa About Al 'Aqeedah / Sheikh Saalih Aal Fawzaan

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
فتاوى العقيدة للشيخ صالح الفوزان
من كتاب المنتقى من فتاوى الشيخ صالح الفوزان
Fatwaas Related to The Creed Given by Ash-Sheikh Saalih Aal Fawzaan
Taken from the Collection "Al-Muntaqaa min Fataawaa Ash-Sheikh Saalih Aal Fawzaan"
The Two Testimonies and the Names and Attributes of Allah
#1 --- Is the One Who Pronounces the Two Testimonies Only Without Action Considered a Muslim?

Bearing witness that laa ilaaha illa Allah (i.e. there is no true god but Allah, there is nothing that deserves to be worshipped except Allah) is the key to the religion of Al-Islaam and its main foundation, so does the one who only pronounces it without any noticeable action enter into the circle of Muslims? And did the Heavenly Religions, other than the religion of Al-Islam which Muhammad (may the peace and commendations of Allah be upon him) came with, come with this main foundation (may the peace and commendations of Allah be upon him)?

Whoever pronounces the testimony of “laa ilaaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasool Allah (i.e. nothing deserves to be worshipped except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger)” then it is ruled that he is in Al-Islam right from the start, and his blood (i.e. his life) is preserved. So then if he acts according to what it necessitates both outwardly and inwardly then he is truly a Muslim, for him is glad tidings in the life of this World and in the Afterlife.

And if he only acts according to what it necessitates outwardly then it is ruled that he is in Al-Islam from what is apparent and he is treated like the Muslims are treated, and inwardly he is a hypocrite; Allah will take care of his reckoning.

And if he does not act according to what “laa ilaaha illa Allah (i.e. nothing deserves to be worshipped except Allah)” necessitates and he suffices himself with merely pronouncing it or he acts against it, then it is ruled that he is an apostate and he is to be treated like the apostates are treated.

And if he acts according to what it necessitates in some things and not in others, then his situation should be looked at: so then if that which he left off is something which the abandonment of necessitates apostasy, then it is ruled that he is an apostate, like the one who left off As-Salat on purpose or directed something from the types of worship to other than Allah. And if that which he left off does not necessitate apostasy (i.e. does not necessitate apostasy if he leaves it off) then he is considered a believer who is deficient in imaan (i.e. faith) according to what he left off (i.e. the extent of his deficiency in faith depends on what he left off)., like the people of sins that are less than Ash-Shirk (i.e. ascribing partners to Allah).

And all of the Heavenly Sharaai’ شَرَائِع (i.e. codes of law) came with this detailed ruling.
#2 --- The Wisdom Behind the Two Testimonies Accompanying Each Other and The Meaning of the Testimony that "Muhammad Rasool Allah"

Question: The testimony that “Muhammad Rasool Allah (i.e. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)” usually accompanies the testimony “laa ilaaha illa Allah (i.e. there is no true god but Allah, nothing deserves to be worshipped but Allah). What is intended by the testimony “Muhammad Rasool Allah (i.e. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)”? And what is the wisdom behind them (i.e. the two testimonies) accompanying each other?
Answer: Yes; the testimony “Muhammad Rasool Allah (i.e. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) must accompany the testimony “Laa ilaaha illa Allah (i.e. there is no true god but Allah, nothing deserves to be worshipped except Allah) either by being pronounced along with the testimony “Laa ilaaha illa Allah” or with it being implied. So if you mention the testimony “Laa ilaaha illa Allah” alone, then it encompasses (by implication) the testimony “Muhammad Rasool Allah”.

And the testimony “Laa ilaaha illa Allah” is not valid without the testimony “Muhammad Rasool Allah” and it is not accepted. And it is not ruled that the one who rejects the Message of Muhammad (may the peace and commendations of Allah be upon him) is in Al-Islam.

And the meaning of the testimony “Muhammad Rasool Allah” is to affirm his Message, and to obey him in what he orders, and to believe him in whatever he informs about, and to avoid that which he prohibited and warned against, and that Allah is not to be worshipped except by that which he legislated, and likewise to affirm that his Message is all-encompassing for both of the Thaqalayn (i.e. for all of Mankind and the Jinn), and that there is no prophet after him, and he is the Seal of the Prophets (may the peace and commendations of Allah be upon all of them) up until the Hour (i.e. the Day of Judgement) is established.

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